Our services

Accreditation Compliant Physical Auditing

We offer physical auditing at a level appropriate to the reason of audit, such as change of personnel, security breech, or annual audit as defined by your jurisdiction’s regulatory/accreditation requirements. We also offer client defined audits as deemed appropriate, such as firearms only, etc.


Chief Miller has trained thousands of personnel in the best methods to safeguard property and evidence. He is also very experienced in providing initial and follow-up training of the widely used Porter Lee BEAST Evidence Management System.


We contract with Architects and Designers to provide direction and input specific to evidence repositories and new/updated evidence storage areas within current facilities. Our most recent project is the retrofitting of a supermarket into a stand-alone repository for Arlington, Texas Police Department, with Randal Scott Architects. Associated services include coordinating the transition of the evidence from the current facility to the new one through strategic planning and auditing.

Purge Preparation Assistance

Most evidence rooms I’ve visited are physically over-burdened with property and evidence to a point that personnel do not know how to get out from under it. Our expert staff works with your department’s personnel to identify items that are no longer required to be retained and coordinates/organizes disposition of the items into the disposal method most appropriate (e.g., destroy, return, auction, etc.)

Property Room Consulting have extensive experience helping Departments sort out and remediate their evidence function. shutterstock_541183837 (1)


We have extensive experience helping Departments sort out and remediate their evidence function. Sometimes, usually due to multiple transfers of personnel over the years with each having their own “systems” of carrying out their duty, things get to the point that the Evidence Custodian does not know how to apply fundamental warehousing principles to their current situation. More pointedly, some are a disaster waiting to happen. We turn those situations into well-functioning operations in short order.

We always guarantee a good quality of our services/projects to ensure that clients' satisfaction is achieved.

Our services

Accreditation Compliant Physical Auditing:

We offer physical auditing at a level appropriate to the reason of audit, such as change of personnel, security breech, or annual audit as defined by your jurisdiction’s regulatory/accreditation requirements.  We also offer client defined audits as deemed appropriate, such as firearms only, etc.

Purge Preparation Assistance:

Most evidence rooms I’ve visited are physically over-burdened with property and evidence to a point that personnel do not know how to get out from under it.  Our expert staff works with your department’s personnel to identify items that are no longer required to be retained and coordinates/organizes disposition of the items into the disposal method most appropriate (e.g., destroy, return, auction, etc.)


Chief Miller has trained thousands of personnel in the best methods to safeguard property and evidence.  He is also very experienced in providing initial and follow-up training of the widely used Porter Lee BEAST Evidence Management System.


We have extensive experience helping Departments sort out and remediate their evidence function.  Sometimes, usually due to multiple transfers of personnel over the years with each having their own “systems” of carrying out their duty, things get to the point that the Evidence Custodian does not know how to apply fundamental warehousing principles to their current situation. IMore pointedly, some are a disaster waiting to happen.  We turn those situations into well-functioning operations in short order.


We contract with Architects and Designers to provide direction and input specific to evidence repositories and new/updated evidence storage areas within current facilities.  Our most recent project is the retrofitting of a supermarket into a stand-alone repository for Arlington, Texas Police Department, with Randal Scott Architects.  Associated services include, coordinating the transition of the evidence from the current facility to the new one through strategic planning and auditing.

Property function services

Rates are competitively priced and contracted dependent upon the customized level of services desired.

We encourage you to reach out to a representative and discuss your needs.


to speak with a consultant

Maintenance agreements

We offer annual maintenance agreement pricing on Audits and Inspections which entitle the agency to two inspections and an annual audit, which complies with best practices. The agreement also provides discounted rates for full inventories and destruction verification services, as needed.


Tackle the vitally critical, yet often neglected, function of Property and Evidence Management.